Tuesday 24 November 2009


MISTER Prime Minister, I represent no one but myself, my word, my writer's craft. I am a citizen. I ask you: withdraw the bill on the "short trial" and do it in the name of the safeguard of law. The risk is that law in Italy may destroy itself, becoming an instrument only for the powerful, starting from you.

With the "short trial" extremely serious crimes actually will go unpunished due to the statute of limitations and, in particular, offences committed by white-collar workers. The dream of swift justice is shared by all. But the only way to shorten the process is to put the judges, the counsels and the courts in a position to speed up everything. Do not halt the trials and thus dash the hope of those who have been waiting for justice for years.

Withdraw the bill establishing the short trial. It is not a question of Right or Left. It is not a political issue. It is not an ideological issue. It is a matter of law. Do not permit this law to define, once and for all, law in Italy a privilege. Do not permit trials to become an empty machine where power asserts itself while those with nothing but the law to defend themselves with will no longer have hopes for justice.


Sign the appeal

SIGNOR Presidente del Consiglio, io non rappresento altro che me stesso, la mia parola, il mio mestiere di scrittore. Sono un cittadino. Le chiedo: ritiri la legge sul "processo breve" e lo faccia in nome della salvaguardia del diritto. Il rischioè che il diritto in Italia possa distruggersi, diventando uno strumento solo per i potenti, a partire da lei.

Con il "processo breve" saranno prescritti di fatto reati gravissimi e in particolare quelli dei colletti bianchi. Il sogno di una giustizia veloceè condiviso da tutti. Ma l'unico modo per accorciare i tempi è mettere i giudici, i consulenti, i tribunali nelle condizioni di velocizzare tutto. Non fermare i processi e cancellare così anche la speranza di chi da anni attende giustizia.

Ritiri la legge sul processo breve. Nonè una questione di destra o sinistra. Non è una questione politica. Non è una questione ideologica. E' una questione di diritto. Non permetta che questa legge definisca una volta per sempre privilegio il diritto in Italia, non permetta che i processi diventino una macchina vuota dove si afferma il potere mentre chi non ha altro che il diritto per difendersi non avrà più speranze di giustizia.


Firma l'appello


Señor Presidente del Gobierno:
yo no represento a nadie. Me represento a mí mismo, con mi palabra, mi profesión de escritor. Sólo soy un ciudadano. Y le estoy pidiendo esto: retire la ley sobre el "juicio breve", hágalo en nombre de la salvaguardia del derecho. Corremos el riesgo que en Italia el derecho quede destruido, para convertirse sólo en una herramienta para poderosos, usted en primer lugar.
Con el "juicio breve", de hecho quedarán prescritos crímenes gravísimos, y en particular los delitos de los cuellos blancos. El sueño de una justicia rápida es un sueño que todos tenemos. Pero la única manera para recortar los tiempos es poner a los jueces, a los asesores y a los tribunales en las condiciones para acelerarlo todo, no detener los juicios, cancelando así también la esperanza de aquellos que esperan justicia desde hace años.

Señor Presidente, retire la ley sobre el juicio breve. No se trata aquí de derecha o izquierda. No es una cuestión política. No es una cuestión ideológica. Es una cuestión de derecho. No permita que merced a esta ley el derecho en Italia sea definido de una vez por todas como privilegio, no permita que los juicios se conviertan en una maquinaria vacía en la que se impondrá el poder, mientras que aquellos a quienes, para defenderse, no les queda sino el derecho, perderán ya todas sus esperanzas de obtener justicia.


Firmar esta petición

Monday 23 November 2009

non ci siamo capiti ...

... e perchè mai dovremmo pagare degli extra a dei rincoglioniti?


da la Repubblica del 23 Ottobre 2009
Per il Cavaliere in 15 anni 18 salvacondotti
(coming soon the english version!)

Thursday 19 November 2009

just for a laugh!

from PhDComics.com
Numbers of papers published per year with the corresponding word in its title!

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Physics and Chemistry experiments for primary and high school students

for the complete ITALIAN VERSION click here
Chemical Reactions: exp 1-4
1) How to inflate a balloon with CO2
Materials: A volumetric flat flask, a teaspoon, a balloon,a spatula, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3),vinegar and a funnel.
What to do: Put 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate inside the ballon (use the funnel can make it easier) and 25ml of vinegar inside the flask. Carefully put the ballon on flaskneck in order to avoid the bicarbonate coming out. Now put the balloon in vertical position providing that all the bicarbonate follow down and dissolut into the vinegar. The vinegar start to fizz in the flask e then the balloon start to swell.
What happens: The acetic acid (CH3COOH, also known as ethanoic acid) of the vinegar reacts with the bicarbonate (a base) producing carbon dioxide (CO2)that generates the fizz. Carbon dioxide rises in the flskneck and inflates the balloon.

2) Dancing mothballs
Materials: Some of motheball, a becker, a teaspoon, sodium bicarbonate, water (also food coloring but it is not necessary) and vinegar.
What to do: Put in a becker of 600ml 2 round teaspon of sodium bicarbonate and add 250ml of water (the food coloring and the mothballs)Before adding the vinegar the mothballs will lay on the bottom of the becker. Then add 40ml of vinegar. The balls start to travle toward the surface of the liquid and then move toward the botton, up and down.
What happens: The mothball are made of naphthalin (or antimite, C10H8) have a density slightly higher than water and for this reason it deposit on the bottom of the becker with the water. When vinegar is added, the reaction between the acetic acid and the sodium bicarbonate (as in the previous experiment) produces carbon dioxide and then the solution start to fizz. Carbon dioxied bubble deposit on the mothball surface and they really pull the ball up to the surface of the solution. Such bubbles when are in contact to the air, they crash and mothball follow down again reachng the bottom of the becker. Here new generated bubbles of carbon dioxide drag the ball again in the surface and the up-and-down trip re-starts.
Additional informations: Naftalhene is a cristallyne material, volatile, with a sharp smell and not soluble in water. Older mothballs consisted primarily of naphthalene, but due to naphthalene's flammability, modern mothballs use 1,4-dichlorobenzene instead. It was used for killing moth ans moth larvae with its vapor, being placed with out-of-season clothings in a sealed container. But nafthalene is also used for killing silverfishes, as repellent for snakes, as solvent, as lubrificant, etc.
3) How to inflate a balloon with hydrogen
4) The invisible ink
Materials: a lemon, a white paper sheet, a small brush, a bowl, a candle
What to do: squeeze the lemon into the bowl and dip the brush inside the juice. Write down some word (or an entire small message) in the white paper sheet and let wait until the "ink" dried and disappeared. Pass the sheet over a lighted candle without burning it, then... the written words reappear
What happens: the citric acid (C6H8O7) inside the lemon juice is colorless in acqueous solution, but, when it is heated, it oxidizes and becomes brown colored.
Pressure and vacuum: exp 5-7
5) The Stevino's law
6) The vacuum pump
7) The thirsty glass and the candle
Tensioactives, surface tension, capillarity: exp 8-10
8) Tensioactives and pepper
9) The blossoming flower
10) The infinite drops
Density: exp 11-12
11) The floating egg
12) Oil, water and alcohol
Optics: exp 13-16
13) Words afloat
14) The red sunset
15) The Benham disk
16) The diffraction and the measurement of microscopic objects
Other phenomena: exp 17-21
17) The fireproof balloon
18) The Crookes radiometer
19) The cornflour
20) The needle and the ballon
21) Solar energy

Friday 13 November 2009

El Parlamento italiano

en ELMUNDO 13 de Octubre de 2009
El Parlamento italiano debate una ley que podría suspender los juicios contra Berlusconi
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